Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day 27: Smiling all the time

Well, my smile is nearly back to normal. My right cheek muscle is not working as well as my left and I don't have the crease from my nose to my mouth like I have on the left side but I am sure it will be back to normal very soon. And frankly, I don't even notice unless I look at myself. My brother's girlfriend saw me the other day and said 'people pay a lot of money for that!'. LOL, it's like I've had botox on half my face.

I would encourage anyone with Bell's palsy to get the standard prescriptions but also focus on great nutrition. I believe the supplements I am taking to boost nerve regeneration, reduce inflamation, etc. (you can see the list in my earlier posts) and the plant based raw vegan diet I have been eating is responsible for the amazing speed of my recovery. I am also working with a fantastic holistic nutritionist, Emily Hubbell, to get my body and mind into the healthiest state possible. She is wonderful! She respects my wishes to maintain a raw diet but has also showed me how to improve it. I'm going to be the healthiest raw foodist out there, no kidding!
I watched and interesting documentary the other day called Food Matters that talked about how doctors are not well trained in nutrition therapy. I highly recommend the film. I also watched Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days. I don't have diabetes but the film was still interesting. Could have been done better but still worth watching. I hope a lot of people get the chance to see this film because it really shows the power of raw food.

1 comment:

  1. I lurk a lot and tend to be a bad reader (not posting comments, etc). So, first, thank you for the comment on my blog - and for being so supportive!

    It's great to hear/see that you're doing better. When I was first diagnosed, almost everything I found indicated that it would be a long time, very long time, before I would feel like I was really better, but now about a month later I'm finding it's nearly totally gone and am excited to feel like a normal, fully functional human being again. You're looking great, and you can tell that you have made a LOT of progress and that you're not only doing better but feeling better, too! I agree that it's a long journey and it's frightening to know that it may or may not return at any time and for any reason, but you sound like you're really taking great care of yourself and that you're pushing to make sure this goes away and NEVER comes back. Congratulations on all the progress you've made and I'm happy you're doing so much better!
