Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 12: The scavenger hunt

This hunt for B12 injections is making me nuts. I managed to get one shot today and the promise of one a week in the future. So I am committing to that for the next month. As part of the checkup I had to have an EKG. Interesting though fairly useless as far as the Bells Palsy goes. Though I did learn that I have a low heart rate which the doc tells me is not a bad thing. I also got a long skinny printout of my EKG to share with friends.

The doc recommended that I go buy B12 skin patches and after a 3 hour hunt of every pharmacy, drug store, and health store from Goleta to Montecito I had to give up. The last health store I went to said they could not be distributed to health food stores. Had to order them from in Ohio. I paid for the "good" shipping and I hope they show up fast - I plan to slap one right on my neck while standing at the mailbox if I haven't found a daily injection source.

I do have a lead on a local clinic that may talk to me about the B12. That is my project for tomorrow. If it doesn't pan out I will stick with the elusive patches and a once a week injection.

Daily Changes:

My mood today is pretty good. Though I did wake up and was not able to twitch the corner of my mouth like the last 3 days. A little disappointing since I had plans to race up to my brother's house and have him video tape the tiny movement for me. Oh well, it's always nice to just see him anyway.

I do think that I can definitely see more of one of my front teeth than before. And my jaw is slightly tender underneath towards the ear when I press it. I hope that is a good sign.

Time to sit with the birds before bed.

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